Wednesday, October 7, 2009

1008 - my work

since my trip to germany got cancelled at last minute, i decided to make good use of my time with new hobbies.

in high school, i thought music was cooler was i took music class instead of arts. well, none of the music has stayed with me, except the very occasional karaoke (sigh .... ). as for arts, i know i enjoy appreciating works. and the thought of being able to make something is very fascinating really. being efficient as always, i started taking ceramics class and chinese ink painting class.

yesterday, my first pieces of handmade ceramics work was completed! and my first ink painting was done too! i am obsessed, as i can't stop staring at my own work! i know it's really nothing spectacular, but having done something of your own is a total different pleasure from shopping for them.

it's never too late people. go pursue and you will feel as rewarded as i do now!


Eva Tin said...

Can you make me a demitasse with saucer? I drink espresso every morning and would be nice to drink from your creation.

I believe in living art and living the art, meaning to use the art pieces as they were originally intended.

I hate people auctioned off antique instruments only to put them in display cabinet... what a waste.

lululu said...

wow, i've always wanted to do some ceramic works! esp when i was in college. u know back then boys fancied gals who could do a little handicrafts!

Eva Tin said...

Patrick Swayze (late) & Demi Moore?